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Penguin Piracy (SUSPENDED DEVELOPMENT) V11.2.1

Pirates! Plunderers! Penguins! This mod adds penguin affiliated content, and much more!

  1. PenguinRaceMod V2 - The Ocean Sunfish Update

    Hey guys! Me again! Surprise: This is the release version. All versions after this will be V2.(#) from now on. That said, don't be fooled: This isn't the final update: With this update, I want to make the mod more presentable here. A less messy front page, new icon, etc. Expect that stuff in a few minutes.

    I have a lot planned in the future, but I feel that the mod has progressed enough to finally come out of beta.



    -Added five new Jukeboxes

    -Added a new item: Penguin rations. Obtained by combining a few appropriate items, these items are convenience items: Combining the healing effects of the nanowrap bandage, and the nourishment of canned food.


    -Also introducing: Huddle Posters! These special posters, obtained randomly at the penguin branch Furnishing store (probably some sort of promotion I didn't greenlight) feature various penguin characters! They don't really do much, but hey! They're cool

    -Added two new furniture pieces: The broken penguin tank, and the Penguin tank chair. The penguin tank chair, unlike the ufo chair, is special. Your penguin can sleep inside of these! It's actually rather comfortable in there.


    -I recolored the Ship, Ship objects, and created "Penguin ship tiles".
    (I've reserved material IDs 46000-46100 for the mod, for any potential tiles I decide to add for the race.)

    Though the ship itself is probably still pretty much placeholder, the ship objects and their new colors are not.

    -Fixed the recipe for the Penguin UFO chair. There was a little goof
    in it's ingredient requirements.. whoops.
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