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Penguin Piracy (SUSPENDED DEVELOPMENT) V11.2.1

Pirates! Plunderers! Penguins! This mod adds penguin affiliated content, and much more!

  1. PenguinPiracyMod V7.1 - More Clean Up: The "Manic's All Over the Place" Update

    Hey guys, quick update






    -The PPM-RaceExtender has been reworked. It now has a new look, and provides 72 slots for modded races.

    -New mods are taking the place of the old micro-races: Simple addons. Lightweight mods that just make their respective penguin race visible on the character creation menu (The difference between these and the micro races, is all core files for the penguin races are still merged with the PenguinPiracyMod. Before, the micro race mods had some files they added.)

    This way, these mods can be pushed to the workshop in a one time update. They will function across all future updates.

    Tweaked instructions again.

    - Added a mod that makes a patch for Frackin Universe. It adds the brochure, and other things normally added to shiplockers by the mod to the penguin ships. (Obviously this only needs to be used if you are using the mod with Frackin Universe)

    I apologize in advance for the active shift of how some things are implemented lately. Since I pushed to the workshop, I am having to tweak things to be more streamlined, so keeping track of this stuff won't become a chore. :rofl:


    - Fixed a bug with the Penguin Beacon, which was causing a crash when you tried to place it.
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