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Penguin Piracy (SUSPENDED DEVELOPMENT) V11.2.1

Pirates! Plunderers! Penguins! This mod adds penguin affiliated content, and much more!

  1. PenguinPiracyMod V7 - Clean-up Update





    MASSIVE Cleanup.

    The penguin micro-races are officially retired. (As of this version, you do NOT need the micro-races in your mods folder anymore. In fact, I strongly advise you REMOVE them, as they will more than likely conflict with the new version of the PenguinPiracyMod)

    The PenguinPiracyMod functions without a race extender, but to enjoy the benefits of actually playing as a penguin, you will need a race extender. (The order in which the penguin races are added by the mod are as follows: Penguin, Masked Penguin, Puffin, and Robo Penguin)

    Use of the mod's Race Extender will only allow you to play as a normal penguin. To play as other penguin races, you will need a race extender that adds AT LEAST four slots.

    The instructions will be tweaked accordingly.

    Since this is a pretty major modification, PLEASE let me know if you run into any bugs. Thank you.
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