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The Mantizi Empire (Patch 1.3) v0.8.3

Beetles and Romans and Space, together at last.

  1. The Mantizi Empire (Patch 1.3)

    Hello again my friends.

    Heavily tested, shouldn't have too many issues. As always please post bug reports in the resource update discussion page, and I'll try to get on them as soon as I can. I did a quick run through of every quest, so there shouldn't be any issues just playing these dudes as normal.

    New in this version:
    -Typo fixes, small sprite adjustments all around
    -Modernized a lot of code to bring everything up to date with all of the balance changes since pre-1.0. I don't think I missed anything but I may have.
    -Tier 1 and Tier 2 Mantizi mech bodies.
    -Couple more names.

    -Some content is "removed", but I plan to re-implement them later. Content such as the racial weapons. My goal has always been to bring these guys up to vanilla race parity, and vanilla races don't have their weapons anymore. The reason I actually took them out instead of leaving them in is because I need to go in and update their code and their sprites, and I'm focusing my attention elsewhere at the moment. They will be back, likely as part of a vendor inventory once I get settlements working!

    -Some content is actually working but not normally accessible. NPCs, including merchants I think, are able to be spawned with tenant spawners if you place Mantizi furniture down, but the only way to access the Mantizi furniture is by console command. This will also be addressed when Mantizi villages/dungeons are added.

    Have fun dudes
    G.Xyon and Lindazana like this.
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