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Outdated The Ancient Forge Returns Starwars Tiered Jedi Lightsabers Mod 1.03

The Ancient Forge Starwars Tiered Jedi Lightsabers Black, Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, Yellow.

  1. cozie306
    Version: 1.03
    i absolutely love this mod :D i also have a request, can you add in an invisible shield (force shield if you will) or a lightsaber that can block i like to use shields but they ruin the look of the lightsabers. great mod though thanks
  2. Blackcooro
    Version: 1.03
    Very cool, but still needs a little work. Lightsabers don't actually sit in hand, glow effect is weird, farming crystals is a pain, oh and a block for the lightsabers would be nice. But over all an amazing piece of work. How far are you planning on taking it?
  3. Nickamega
    Version: 1.03
    Great mod, finally I can become a Jedi)
  4. DadelusVandal
    Version: 1.03
    Amazing mod I definitely hope to see this upgraded to its full potential!
  5. wataritsuki
    Version: 1.02
    Easy to use, the sound and visual are all superb : D
  6. JamesDF14
    Version: 1.01
    Love this mod, but I suggest lower the amount of crystal to upgrade from tier to tier, because with 3 for each tier a total of 3279 tier 1 crystal are needed, excluding all the bars and compounds. It would be useful if you make the tier1 crystal buybale for 1 pixel, or just change to 1 crystal and ores needed to upgrade the crystals or the weapons
    1. draco1122
      Author's Response
      ok, I can reduce the amount required that is abit much.