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Outdated Tanning Rack v1.5c - Tireless Tiger

Slay alien, obtain hide, craft leather, create pelts!

  1. specktre
    Version: v1.5 - Witty Wallaby
    Perfect, thank you! It's frustrating when you're trying to make a snow infantry set and only find one or two leather after hours of playing.
    1. Ar7ific1al
      Author's Response
      Well, I can't say this will really fix that... In fact, it might actually make that worse! lol
  2. DellaLuce
    Version: v1.5 - Witty Wallaby
    Very Good ;)
  3. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: v1.4-Titillating Tiger
    Nice indeed!Another idea is to make banners craftable through yarn spinner,with cloth and dyes...
  4. flyingrat102
    Version: v1.4-Titillating Tiger
    Was looking for something like this while I progressed a while into my Starbound, works great and really makes the game feel complete.
  5. ahappydude
    Version: v1.3-Extrapolated Elephan
    Cool idea, maybe you want to team up with the one who made the animals armour ? Would be such a nice fit, great to have another use for leather and makes the hunting more important
    1. Ar7ific1al
      Author's Response
      That's quite a wonderful idea, thanks! I'll contact the maker of the mod to see if we can work something out. :3
  6. yk999
    Version: v1.1.1-AggravatedAardvark
  7. Odai
    Version: 2013-12-12
    Love the idear, could you maybe also add more usage for leather? some decoration stuff like these wall furs/pelts?
    1. Ar7ific1al
      Author's Response
      I would love to! Unfortunately, I'm not a very good artist. That Tanning Rack took me an hour to make, and I still don't like it. xD