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Outdated Starlogger 2.4.1

A planet logging application

  1. Texmar
    Version: 2.4.1
    Love it! Only one thing I noticed but, I might be wrong. "Planets" don't have their own coordinates, "Systems" have there own Coordinates. Rewriting the same numbers over and over again for a plant in the same system.
    Maybe adding a drop-down menu or it opens a different edit window where I can add planets under the system name. does this make any sense? wish I had a Pic to display
  2. Kaerfus
    Version: 2.4.1
    the best program ever for recording planets...
  3. Mogeley
    Version: 2.4.1
    This is pretty good. I like the style and it's simplicity. It would be much better if you could find a way to parse the world files to get the Planet name.

    I found a way that you may be able to parse the files...

    Ideally I'd like a logging tool to operate much like twitter. That automatically saves the current planet I am on and functions like many small comments over time that can be viewed together in a single planet log. Since it's not an in-game mod then it may be difficult but you may be able to read the current planet of the player...

    The delete doesn't work (as I'd expect). I guess I would like to hide planets I have no information on and only show planets I have provided information for by default.
  4. kaine_wolf
    Version: 2.4.1
    Been using Planet Scanner until I found this beauty! Easy to understand and use, catagorizing and tagging planets and systems is a breeze now!
  5. peng5629
    Version: 2.4.1
    does it show wats on the planet or does it just save the planets
  6. EstatorVs
    Version: 2.3.5
    Good design and hard to work reverse coding. Фух, а можно я так буду писать?
  7. KiraV
    Version: 2.3.5
    With the bugfix and the restyle is now truly perfect.

    (Also, thanks for implementing my suggestions, and so quickly!)
  8. fkrause
    Version: 2.3.5
    Nice mod ^^
  9. Gun_Shy
    Version: 2.3.5
    OH MY GOD! This is something I was going to strongly suggest be put in vanilla Starbound. As far as I'm concerned, it's an absolute necessity. You rule.
  10. dimion123
    Version: 2.3.4
    Works like a charm. Thank you for making it
  11. Shadoxx-Aurion
    Version: 2.3.4
    This new version is PERFECT! It really is an awesome tool! Thanks for your work!
  12. KiraV
    Version: 2.1.1
    Really great tool, the tags are very useful and the planets autolog from the universe folder is pure genius. I just wish the layout was more compact to make the window smaller* since it's not resizeable, but aside from that is nearly perfect. Before I was using Planet Tracker, and I've also tried the LogBook, but Starlogger is by far the best.

    *-->i.e. you could make search, settings and x on the same line as "order by" and "starlogger" logo aligned with the black buttons. Just with these two you would have cut a bit on the top and a bit on the left. Also smaller tags and on the same line as descriptions, since those are cut off halfway anyway. And maybe generally reducing and optimizing spaces between stuff (I had quite some time on my hands today and since I'm rubbish with explaining things in English and I like to fiddle with Photoshop I made a mockup of what I meant: http://i4.minus.com/iblMXiYuuBrL5m.png . Of course it's just a suggestion.).
    Finally, I would love to see full popup descriptions on mouseover, so that we don't have to click on the planet.
    1. Garmik
      Author's Response
      Thanks a lot!

      These changes look great, and I'm applying most of them in the next update coming (really) soon.
  13. Shadoxx-Aurion
    Version: 2.1.1
    Awesome tool !
    I would like to see support for more sectors for thoses who play with mods like Variety is the Spice of the Universe or Starscape, though. :3
    1. Garmik
      Author's Response
      Support for new sectors has been added! Check the new update.
  14. Symple85
    Version: 2.1.1
    Awesome! I can finally stop using a notepad to keep track of travels, this is so much more organized and streamlined!
  15. Midnight Heart
    Midnight Heart
    Version: 2.1.1
    Wow! Great job! It's easy to use and has optional automatic logging. I really like this mod.

    Thanks for making it. c: