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Slime Race Mod (Outdated) discontinued

No longer being maintained. Please check Hieru's version.

  1. Hieru's slime ship + fixes for tech and ship pet

    The custom ship people've been waiting for has arrived. Hieru did an amazing job, and even created new images for the tutorial and end-of-tutorial cutscene. I suggested that since we're outside the ship after all, it might as well look like we're seeing it from outside, so that's just what he did. You should see it at least once.

    The ship update includes a custom small slime console as well, in the style of other slime objects like slime chairs and beds. It is available in the Wiring Station.

    Also, Chofranc fixed issues with the Adaptable Slime Sphere and the ship pet not being visible. They should be working properly now, though after talking with Chofranc about people possibly breaking things on a person's ship, I've chosen to leave ship objects in their unbreakable state. If you want them to be breakable, just edit things in ships/slimeperson/blockKey.CONFIG so the related lines instead say:

    "unbreakable" : false


    Oh, and pay attention to the back of the slime ship when you travel about. Hehe.
    CrimsonGiraffe likes this.
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