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Slime Race Mod (Outdated) discontinued

No longer being maintained. Please check Hieru's version.

  1. Frackin' Races effects properly apply 100% again.

    I was picky about the description Sayter'd set at a point for this race, saying "Ew, you're made of slime!", and stuff, so I thought I'd try adding an "includes" bit to make the slime race load after Frackin' Races does, but I think it's messing up more than I intended.

    ...I really don't know anything about Lua n' whatnot...

    So that's that, back to normal. Plus I do actually quite like what Frackin' Races does. It's just that FR makes slimes take 3x fire damage, and I've made slimes resist half fire damage, and take double ice damage instead, like Space Station 13 does it.

    I'll just wait it out n' see if Sayter adjusts.
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