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Slime Race Mod (Outdated) discontinued

No longer being maintained. Please check Hieru's version.

  1. "poisonStatusImmunity" reversion + new "Slime Glow" item

    Sucks that this doesn't update automatically for everyone, doesn't it?

    A reasonable response pointed out that these slimes were starting to get a bit too powerful, so healing off of poison was reverted to "poisonStatusImmunity". Plus I guess it'd be rather annoying in a toxic environment, constantly hearing the character's "ouchNoise".

    Speaking of which, I'm gonna mess with the unused Novakid hurt sound. It actually seems pretty fitting for slimes, when you think about it.

    Also, there's a new item: "Slime Glow". Chopan fixed this one up just like the Adaptable Slime Sphere, so its light is based on a slime's body color. It's usable by non-slimes too, but it'll default to a bluish purple, like a black light, AND, no worries, if you want to play with it, but don't want to lose out on a bonus, it comes with its own augment slot.
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