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Slime Race Mod (Outdated) discontinued

No longer being maintained. Please check Hieru's version.

  1. Slime Traits adjustment

    This update's not a big one, but it does change how elements affect the race to more properly match Space Station 13 as originally intended. "breathProtection" is gone since they're not supposed to have that. Also, they now take double damage from ice, half damage from fire, and are healed by poison. Damage numbers however are not changed. Apparently that's just how things are with Starbound modding. Not flawless, but it works.

    Also, you may notice for a split-second that the character actually does take full damage, but then it's changed by the racial effects. Hopefully someday it'll be a bit better, like that "fallDamageMultiplier" thing, but I'm content with how it is. Just be careful of excessive damage sources.
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