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Slime Race Mod (Outdated) discontinued

No longer being maintained. Please check Hieru's version.

  1. Chopan's new slime sphere + strengthened tendrils

    Everyone make sure to thank Chopan. He's come up with a new "Adaptable Slime Sphere" that copies the skin and hair color for the sphere and its glow, respectively. If you've already done "Slimy Substitute Selections", enable /admin mode and type:
    /enabletech colorvariableslimesphere

    With the Adaptable Slime Sphere, I no longer need to make any more new colors for slimes, however I figure some non-slimes are amused by these spheres as well, so despite them possibly cluttering the console a bit, I've decided not to get rid of them. I may make more colors yet, as well, if someone mentions a color they'd like to use that isn't available.

    Next, Slime Tendrils have been strengthened. Their ACTIVEITEM file's DPS value was 3, but now it's 8, like the Alien Worm Gun they're based off of. They already have their tendril count halved in comparison, so reducing their DPS was a bit overkill. Hopefully, now they'll be more viable weapons.

    Lastly, the blue slime spheres were missing their tech console icons, so I've made them now. Sorry about that.
    Saint Apollyon and Lindazana like this.
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