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Outdated Placeable Traps 1.0

Build traps and kill monsters.

  1. LushRoach
    Version: 1.0
    fantastic. i already use this to aid capturing creatures, i use the hold-in-place trap to prevent from missed capture pod throws
  2. LadyKianna
    Version: 1.0
    Lightning/shock trap.
    Very much like the Capture Pod trap idea!
    Switches to turn them off/on (So that you can walk over them without getting hurt.)
  3. D9sinc
    Version: 1.0
    Definitely like the idea of this mod you should add a mob that will allow you to trap a mob and capture it (obviously using a Capture pod in the recipe.) that would make it cool place it down shoot the monster you want to catch with the bow and watch them trap themselves lol
    1. Agent Abbott
      Author's Response
      That's a god damn great idea.