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Outdated Penguin Race Concept / Mod [v. Angry Koala] 1.0

Extremely Experimental, Highly Hillarious, Wow!

  1. cherrypop2080
    Version: 1.0
    wow cool
  2. ASoapyPenguin
    Version: 1.0
    I was able to create the character, but whenever I select it my game crashes. :'(
  3. Maxibon9000
    Version: 1.0
    when I tried to download mod again it bugs out the character creation and I can't make the penguin race anymore! I tried more then once
  4. minerlogo
    Version: 1.0
    I saw this went Getting for my brother then I read the No compatibility and went Hmmmmmm Oh well he still loves penguins :)
  5. Havelok
    Version: 1.0
    Bug and conflict with other races mods (argonian, grey ovni, elf etc etc !!).
    He hide other races in selection character !
    So just 4 stars for the moment for this good idea but we need updated !