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Outdated (Outdated/Un-related)Tiered Matter Manipulators V. Enraged Koala 1.3.0

Manipulate your matter! 26 + new matter manipulators.

  1. cyrus1254
    Version: 1.3.0
    I love the nightly builds, but they're too broken for me to enjoy them. Having gone back to the vanilla release I found myself longing for my upgraded matter manipulator, and this mod fills that gap!
    1. dafman4
      Author's Response
      Glad i can help! I'll have to start trying to play the nightly's!
  2. Alex Great
    Alex Great
    Version: 1.3.0
    I like it
    1. dafman4
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the in-depth review ;P
  3. Hurley6178
    Version: 1.2.8
    I love it, and I can't wait to get the higher ones but there seems to be missing an Iron one. I made the copper and cannot for the life of me find any next one that uses copper. I've checked all crafting tables/anvils/stations and what not and see the next 25 I can craft but that one missing link is preventing me from getting the rest :(. Can anyone help please? thanks in advance and still awesome mod!!!
  4. Jeoshua
    Version: 1.2.8
    Fantastic mod, doing just as much as was needed to remove the need to ever craft that "so last millennium" pickaxe. One star removed for re-enabling the super-silly fishaxe. It temps me with its absurdity, but it's a god-item.
    1. dafman4
      Author's Response
      Have a way to delete it from the page on the information, just after how to get rid of all the new textures, no more worrying about that temptation!
  5. Keridan
    Version: 1.2.7
    Has a few issues.

    One is as previously stated, for some reason you need a normal Aegisalt manipulator for a Wide Ferozium manipulator. Made no sense and caused a waste of resources.

    Two is that the Extra Wide manipulators do not work when in alt mode. If used, the screen will go black and a message will say the server no longer exists; even if you don't use servers like in multiplayer.

    Third is the Godly manipulator is considered a one handed tool, and as such it can not as effectively mine back walls. Personally do not see a reason why it should be one handed, other than for inconvenience.
    1. dafman4
      Author's Response
      These problems should now be fixed, sorry for the inconveniences.
  6. Darkstar01FTW
    Version: 1.2.6
    I love the tiered Manipulators, problem is, for both Aegisalt manipulators, they both require the regular titanium manipulator, not the w. titanium manipulator. Was this meant to be? or was it a mistake? Other then that, Keep up the good work!
    1. dafman4
      Author's Response
      I'll have to check.. Probably release it with the new textures if it does need to be fixed, as it doesn't seem that big an issue.
      thanks for letting me know!
  7. chewfaimau
    Version: 1.2.3
    its a good mod and I like it but if you read what I wrote in the discussion board you will see my point there. But the mod is good had no problems with it at all and working to get the better matter manipulator is fun too.
  8. Ester Stark
    Ester Stark
    Version: 1.2
    Awesome mod! I'm glad that you've embeded the tiered concept with the matter manipulator. Happy that you can now build it up so that it proves more useful once you grow up in the tier system ^_^
    1. dafman4
      Author's Response
      Thanks! That was one of the things i really felt that this mod needed, you know besides the manipulators ;P
  9. teihoo
    Version: 1.2
    I like this idea. Why do we need pickaxes? :) Just a note to author - found a few bugs, I'm posting them under discussion.
    1. dafman4
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the bug info, i'll start looking for those right away!
  10. Hatsya Souji
    Hatsya Souji
    Version: 1.2
    Good job in pulling off this kind of mod, at least we ain't hammerin' stuff like a slave!
    1. dafman4
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the praise!
      Any ideas on how to make it better? or are you a nothing's perfect kind of person?