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Outdated Ore Rebalance Spirited Giraffe

Edits the Ore Distribution Tables to boost and rebalance ore spawns. (Non Cheaty)

  1. Enderman99102
    Version: Spirited Giraffe
    Good mod, saves countless mind-numbing hours of mining for that rubium or iron.

    And, completely off topic, I tapped into the code to see if I could find out how to implement my modded ores into the list so they spawn. Figured it out, thanks a ton.
  2. Pixelguru26
    Version: Spirited Giraffe
    Thank you so much for finally making this game less of a bulldozer grindfest. I didn't realize how much a simple ore rebalance could help
  3. Mr. Shingles
    Mr. Shingles
    Version: Spirited Giraffe
    Does what it says, I'm satisfied with the ore re-balances. Hopefully it will also bring back uranium in Pleased Giraffe!
  4. I'mComing
    Version: Spirited Giraffe
    Well, i'm trying to use this mod, is going fine in all the planets, but when i trying to get into a moon and i got stuck in the "Jumping", ¿is supposed to be a bug?
    1. Taiine
      Author's Response
      Moons shouldn't be causing that issue. It could be another mod you're using. I've tested the spawns on every planet type to check for balance and haven't had a world cause that issue.
  5. Seevin
    Version: Spirited Giraffe
    Its ok but sometimes planets have a surface FILLED with copper ore. Is this a glitch?
    1. Taiine
      Author's Response
      That shouldn't be happening. Ore gen for Copper at the surface is at 0.40, default is 0.20, it's really not that big of a boost when you think that default gen for the other depths is at 1.25. It should be just slightly less rare at the surface.
      Care to show a screenshot of what you are seeing? Also are you using any mods along side this? Other mods can also be editing the ore gen and if so adding mine could very well massivly boost what is already being told to gen.