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Outdated OPGun 1.0

Overpowered gun transoforming you into a Touhou boss.

  1. minerx3354
    Version: 1.0
    very good mod
  2. TheSpiderDungeon
    Version: 1.0
    Is the gun just so awesome that you urinate yourself like in the gif!?
  3. Mr.muffin_man
    Version: 1.0
    look good i say
  4. Kirigaya Kazuto(Kirito)
    Kirigaya Kazuto(Kirito)
    Version: 1.0
    Really good weapon mod and is fun to use ^.^
  5. ki11erryan
    Version: 1.0
    Really really good weapon mod, but can you make it so it works in multiplayer? Please? like the other OP gun in creative mode?
    1. aMannus
      Author's Response
      When the mod is installed on the multiplayer server, it'll work fine. That's exactly how it is with CreativeMode too, by the way.