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Outdated Matter Manipulators + v. Furios Koala 1.1.2

Adds 5 tiers of Matter Manipulator into the game

  1. That.Fellow.Dutch
    Version: v. Furios Koala 1.1.2
    Love this mod. BUT.. oh the but... when ever your placing items it reverts bact the the old yellow modifier. Any way you could make it so the one you have is shown when placing things?
  2. Suckman
    Version: v. Furios Koala 1.1.2
    exelent, but the direct dowload not contain te v5
  3. AngryBogle
    Version: v. Furios Koala 1.1.2
    This mod is fantastic! I was looking for something like this since I started play. I found it a bit weird using picks and axes in a sci-fi setting but this mod fixes that! Thanks for the great mod.
  4. AnarchistTheory
    Version: v. Furios Koala 1.1.2
    Great work here! I've always wanted more matter manipulators... the game just begged for more of them.
  5. Zekail
    Version: v. Furios Koala 1.1.2
    just downloaded and installed great work, only issue im having is not being able to get the last tier, having the same issue as the other guy, recipe not showing up and such
    1. M4CViz
      Author's Response
      That has been fixed in latest update
  6. Seterwind
    Version: v. Furios Koala 1.1.2
    Really enjoy that you made this mod. It works perfectly.
  7. CommanderWasp1x
    Version: v. Furios Koala 1.1.2
    Thank you :-D, and I would still definitely recommend this mod :-D
  8. Gun_Shy
    Version: v. Angry Koala 1.1.2
    So, I really like this mod, but I have a couple issues. Once I killed the bone dragon, the recipe for the v5 didn't show up in my robotic crafting table (and yes, I HAVE crafted and used the Starmap Upgrade MK IV). I could not figure it out at all. If this is abnormal, please let me know. If there is more I need to do to gain access to it, then that's probably something you should list in the mod overview. Also, the Matter Transmodifier recipe doesn't seem to be available to me. I scoured the contents of the mod folders and it doesn't appear to be there. If it is not yet included, or it's something that's "coming soon", that's also probably something you should list in the overview.
    1. M4CViz
      Author's Response
      Matter transmodidfier removed in this update but fixed the v5 not showing up and if you have any ideas on what I can add please post below :)
  9. Hotaru
    Version: v. Angry Koala 1.1.2
    nice and yes hope it get implemented, tired of drills and pick.
  10. esiao
    Version: v. Angry Koala 1.1.2
    Thanks for the quick update. Way better now.
  11. Rizzozo
    Version: v. Angry Koala 1.1.2
    Love love love. If this concept doesn't make it into the official game then major sadface. Totally needed to replace the archaic pickaxe.