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Lexi's Better Basics v 1.04

Default replacements for Floran, Avian, Human, and Novakid starter gear

  1. Mackinz
    Version: v 1.03
    It is sad that the mod author has disappeared as of several months ago, but this mod is still fantastic and still working for Pleased Giraffe although it may be an incomplete revamp of the starter clothing. I look forward to the authors continued work on this and her other mods, if she returns.
    1. liberalSpaceship
      Author's Response
      Thanks for letting people know this is still working! I'll finish it up eventually (I'm sure); I just haven't played in ages and got distracted with other art projects.
  2. Cryogeist
    Version: v 1.03
    Though I also have some issue with the drastic changes to the human clothing, I give it a 5/5 because nothing else I've found does anything similar to this mod with nearly the same quality. Of all the mods I love the most, it is always the simple, well-made mods that add or change things that things just wouldn't feel complete without. A++

    In regards to the human clothing, I actually really like what you did to the worker outfit and sweats outfit, before they looked extremely old-fashioned if you ask me (especially the worker one, just god-awful). My issue is with the casual and cool outfits. The casual one looks a little weird to me, but that may just be the choice of clothing colors you used in the pics, as I haven't actually looked at that one in-game yet. The cool outfit is my favorite among the chucklefish originals, and to be completely honest, I don't know what it is you tried to do to it. I kind of feel guilty saying I don't like it because it's the most detailed among your collection, and it seems like you worked hard on it. For me it's just too much packed into too little a space for me to be able to tell anything other than it's clothing.

    All in all, this is a great mod though, and you're kind to give us all the option to pick and choose which ones we like. Nice new boots for the Novas btw. :D
  3. Altered_Nova
    Version: v 1.02
    I like the subtle changes you've made to the Floran and Avian clothes However, while I do like the new human clothes better, I feel that they are such drastic changes that you should probably make the old sets craftable. I was kind of fond of the old cool jacket.
    1. liberalSpaceship
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review! I'm glad you like it on the whole. The way this mod is set up, the old images don't even "exist" in game, so I can't make a MP-friendly edition that has both. :/ I could add an optional file where either the new clothes or old clothes are independent choices (and, of course, craftable)?