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Outdated Larger Navigation 1080p 2013-12-18

Increases the size of the Navigation Window (designed for 1080p monitors)

  1. DividedByZero
    Version: 2013-12-18
    I love it, it gives players with larger resolutions a better way to see more of space. Ideally, Chucklefish might incorporate the idea to scale the window on resolution, but that's another update.

    I'm only giving the mod a 4/5 because it has not been updated recently for Enraged Koala. On the plus side, I went and updated it myself for everybody. The only issues I recall are the "Processing" message is slightly off-center and the FTL text scroll is too far to the left, but it functions fine. (If someone can fix those themselves/show me how to, I'd appreciate it.)

    Credit to Bizzy401 for the original mod and graphics, and if he wants to use this version to update his mod page himself, he's free to do so!

  2. starbounder322
    Version: 2013-12-18
    this is very useful, and should be part of the update. thanks!
  3. Shasow
    Version: 2013-12-18
    Perfect, the way it should of been. I hope this or something similar is added into the main game.
    1. bizzy401
      Author's Response
      They can just add my mod the game proper. I would totally be cool with that. (Maybe get an NPC of myself added too).
  4. Jelu
    Version: 2013-12-18
    Perfect now i can see more
    1. bizzy401
      Author's Response
      Glad you like it!