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Outdated Jewasaurus' Alternian Race - Homestuck 0.7

This mod adds the race of grey-candycorn-horned aliens from Homestuck, The Alternians.

  1. Karkat-Jaeger
    Version: 0.7
    Hey, I really like this mod but can't tell what blood colour I have when I make a new character, because they're in their underwear.
    I had an old character work fine before, but I think the Furious Koala update broke that.
    Considering this is probably my fault, it's hella fine and cannot wait for future updates!
  2. icefire82G
    Version: 0.7
    (hhh first post on the website i'm so scared) It looks really swell, but here's the big question. Does this work with the Simple Character Creation mod? Considering I'm downloading approximately hella race mods, I was hoping it would work with it so I don't have 2 conflicting Race-Slot mods. Also, great job on the spriting and accuracy to the comic! I can't wait to mess around with this mod!
    1. Jewasaurus
      Author's Response
      Hey! If you haven't already got it working, it should work fine, except you'll have to modify "AlternianRace.modinfo" and change "dependencies" : [ "xbox" ], to "dependencies" : [ ],
      Including the commas and quote marks. If that doesn't work feel free to send me a message!
  3. Aerius
    Version: 0.7
    it says that the mod is missing the dependency "xbox"... i'm so confused, someone help, please. :o
    1. Jewasaurus
      Author's Response
  4. LadyKianna
    Version: 0.6.2
    <_< And here I was about to make my own... but someone beat me to it. Kudos!! Looks great and works with mod manager! :D
  5. Pinkie Pie
    Pinkie Pie
    Version: 0.6.2
    Love it.
  6. MetalOvercoat
    Version: 0.6.2
    good as ever OwO!
  7. MetalOvercoat
    Version: 0.6
    Its a great idea, awesome actually, lest wait to see if continues like that OwO!
  8. aceofheartsu
    Version: 0.6
    This is amazing, it's really nicely done. Now you need to make all 144 god tier outfits, haha.
  9. Altogolik
    Version: 0.6
    add this to the official race starbaund it is very steep
  10. Greenka
    Version: 0.6
  11. AIex
    Version: 0.5.3
    This is realy good :) i like it
  12. Sn0wman
    Version: 0.5.2
    I disagree with the person below me. This is very good. Namely the fact that it has a proper ship and compatibility with the Mod Manager, which already puts it ahead of most other troll race mods. Great work! Wish I could do things like this x]
    My only quarrel is that changing the horn style only changes the hair color, undy style changing the horns, which is a bit off IMO.
    Also, when starting the game, it spits out a failed connection between the server and the client, despite being played in single player.
  13. raikitsune
    Version: 0.5.2
    not very good