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Outdated [It's dead Jim] GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL 1.1 - All Generic and Boss ('cept UFO) Mob Support - Angry Koala 1.1.1 - Furious Update

Gives the player the ability to capture all generated mobs, including minibosses and bosses.

  1. Hypnoticake
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    my game crashed whenever i tryed loading this...maybe becouse i have smart pets as well
  2. player7895123
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    VERY good
  3. nbsir
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    Update PLZ!!
  4. Nirvh
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    pls update
  5. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    I whish I was able to do coding...I could take this modification back up and make my own ones
  6. ModernDarpa
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    Looks great, but the Readme file isn't there, tried putting both monsters and the modpak file into mods, not working.

    Put the readme file.
  7. drakenhawk
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    I want to capture human and other race as well .....
  8. ZeroDarkness89
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    Was a very helpful mod till the modder quit workin on it =(
  9. Farlavor
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    plz... I had waited over 2 weeks. and it hasn't been updated as it normally would... Are you still making updates of this awesome mod or had you quit from modding forever?
  10. Dzony_B
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    Are you making an update to enraged koala? its a good mod and i would like to keep hunting mobs in upcoming updates :D
  11. Lusfella
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    Well. You can't catch all, since you can't catch dogs. Or NPCs.
    Or scorpions, only the large procedurally generated ground monsters. Flying ones didn't work for me for sure.

    I'm assuming it has to do with the update but I think that it should say that we can just capture 1 or 2 types of mobs, not "all" of them since there are far more categories than don't work than categories that do work. If it was at least a majority I'd be a-okay with it being called "catch them all".
  12. Nordseite
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    you can do it multiplayer compatible ?
  13. Chucklehead
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    This should be part of the game and not just a mod.
  14. peng5629
    Version: 1.1.1 - Furious Update
    its really kool but can u catch minibosses and do u always put them to 1 bar of health? i somethimes kill them accidently XDD
  15. Farlavor
    Version: 1.1 - Apex Mutant Time!
    Its awesome... About two days ago when testing the Furious Koala, I was waiting for a mod like this to capture every living creature, but it's way too far from my expectations... :D
    On my starting planet, I saw a pretty big land creature that I'm interested, but I cannot capture it... :(

    I readed previous reviews knowing that there's not Furious Koala version compatible yet, but I will wait for it as long as it takes. :D
  16. hutzie
    Version: 1.1 - Apex Mutant Time!
    Loved this mod for angry koala...I NEEDS IT FOR FURIOUS....all well I can wait.
    1. BobdaBiscuit
      Author's Response
      Should be ready in the next couple of days, the new update's wrecked the mod so I'll release a 1.1.1 patch before 1.2.
  17. Ninjawa
    Version: 1.1 - Apex Mutant Time!
    Furious Koala, please?
    1. BobdaBiscuit
      Author's Response
      Working on it right now, almost done.
      Hang in there.
  18. ultrament2
    Version: 1.1 - Apex Mutant Time!
    This is an amazing mod! Although it's a bit gamebreaking (although I fully enjoy capturing just about anything). My favorite part is if you uninstall the mod, the creatures in the pods that aren't small monsters still pop out (albeit they're passive). Although my gripes are balancing issues (i.e. minibosses should be lowered to a lot less health before you can capture them, to make the fight more rewarding, and bosses should be need death before capturing while large monsters should only take 25% remaining), the mod is brilliantly put together. I'm hoping to see more out of this mod!
    1. BobdaBiscuit
      Author's Response
      I'll be inactive until the next patch however the finalized versions of the mod will be "balanced" with different Poke ball types for different things, such as a "passive ball" which allows you to have persistent passive pets.
  19. Axar
    Version: 1.1 - Apex Mutant Time!
    This mod seems really cool, I snabbed a few Creature Capture Pods early on in the game, and I tried catching the penguins (but failed, So I'm really happy to try again using this mod!
    1. BobdaBiscuit
      Author's Response
      I'll add the penguins to the list of things to do, I'm a it inactive right now but I'll get it all done in one update.
  20. Rune the Red Panda
    Rune the Red Panda
    Version: 1.1 - Apex Mutant Time!
    Nice, but you should force it so when capturing bosses, you have to get them to 25% health, for added balance.