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Outdated Interface Overhaul 0.6 - Inactive

This mod strives to improve the overall Interface in functionality, usability and minimalism

  1. Dis_conected
    Version: 0.6 - Enraged Koala
    your mod has really helped clean up the GUI for this game i want to congratulate you on your work thank you for your efforts i was hoping that you could allow me to use it in an avali mod pack thank you for your time and this beautiful mod :)
  2. HuggableCreep
    Version: 0.5 - Furious Koala
    Yes, thanks for the quick update, i just can't use vanilla menu's anymore
  3. klownk
    Version: 0.4 - Angry Koala
    This is really nice and must be in the game.
  4. Travisdeste
    Version: 0.3 - Angry Koala
    Like it. Can't wait for it to be completed with all the remaining things!