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Outdated Insentience's Mines v1.03 (Angry Koala)

Remote triggered mines, Timed mines, and Proximity Mines!

  1. ModLoche9
    Version: v1.03 (Angry Koala)
    Add this to the base game with the author's permission.
    1. Insentience
      Author's Response
      If the Starbound Devs are interested in doing that, I would love it!
  2. ahappydude
    Version: 1.02
    Nice update! Hmm whats that mine called from a call of duty game that when exploded shoot up in the air? Different types of these mines would be great, like, one that exploded with spikes, one with fire, acid, etc. Great work!
  3. ahappydude
    Version: 1.0
    Good work! Do you need a claymore sprite? would fit in starbound i think to, more traps= more fun haha
    1. Insentience
      Author's Response
      Claymore mine would be great! But I need to be able to stick proximity mines against walls and the ceiling first