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Idle Factories BUILD 5 - PATCH 6

Factories which generates ores, liquids, crops, components, pixels, and a hole lot more!

  1. Sorry for the silly LONG wait, but its finally here!

    Yes, I was in Hiatus for a while, you know, playing other games, taking my son to school, being the usually person I am, finally got around experimenting with startbound and my mod, and though "Their is so much in here, what more could I possibly do?" then I realised I was missing some art work @Sparklink made for me a while ago, so with all most everything put together, excellent artwork now added, its finally time to come back to do some patch ups...

    Nothing has change really, besides the new ore factory graphics Sparklink made, but with that being said, its no longer in "Experimental" and now in BETA, might need to do some more testing here and there, but soon, very soon™

    Enjoy the next update!
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