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Outdated Hylotl Stuff [Spirited Giraffe] 1.0.3

Adds crafting recipes for Hylotl items, as well as a new crafting table. [Spirited Giraffe]

  1. redlace
    Version: 1.0.3
    Really good additions due to the current lack of Hyotl decor, thank you! Would love to see a chest in a Hyotl style (to replace wooden chests), maybe you could add it some day. Thanks again, looks great!
  2. SimiIV
    Version: 1.0.3
    Oh yes. I always wanted Hylotl stuff to be craftable, and now it's possible! Thank you VERY much sir.
  3. Puffball22
    Version: 1.0.3
    I was waiting forever for a mod like this to come out!
    I tried making my own Hylotl village and now with this mod I can!!!
  4. wyettay
    Version: 1.0.2
    love this mod, after a couple years we still don't see hylotl materials at least this fills my void
  5. Hausmeierkarl
    Version: 1.0.2
    Great for when you are in need of just the Hylotl items. Very streamlined with the seperate crafting tables. No more tedious searches. Includes all important assets.
    A few underwater items are missing. (Airlock, a few crafting materials, like platforms etc.) But I'm not sure about their compatibility anyway.
  6. thecheddarfish
    Version: 1.0.1
    Looks great, but I can't find the crafting table (I am searching on the wooden crafting table), I'm sure it's just a problem on my end.
  7. Darkwarhero
    Version: 2014-08-26
    it isnt working
    1. AlexDyre
      Author's Response
      I've just uploaded a fix to some errors that a user found, hopefully this could have resolved your problem.

      Otherwise if you explain your problem a bit more I could help you in resolving it.