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Hylian Weapons of Legends (1.3.3 Version) 0.6.0

Craft weapons, items, armors, etc. from The Legend of Zelda series!

  1. I bet with those long ears you can hear the voices...

    I added new sound effects to the Hero Bombs (sfx from Wind Waker because it looks like the bomb from that game), Fairy Bow, Fairy Slingshot, and Boomerang. I added a sprite change and hand position change to the Hylia Sword. I made the Demise Sword a bit slower and the Kokiri Sword (Ocarina of Time) faster. Also I changed the boomerang to have 1 bounce only. I am still trying to figure out how to put charging sound effects on my Ice Rod and Fire Rod, but they don't even exist on vanilla staves/staff yet. Also I am trying to figure out how to get the Hookshot to have a firing sound effect, but grappling hooks in the vanilla game don't have those either. I still need to balance weapon damage because the new tier system is terrible imo.


    (Post them in the discussion section if you do)

    If you have any bugs with this mod let me know so I can fix them asap. I am open to suggestions and I appreciate any feedback because it helps me improve my mod for everyone to enjoy.
    WeswePengu likes this.
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