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Hylian Weapons of Legends (1.3.3 Version) 0.6.0

Craft weapons, items, armors, etc. from The Legend of Zelda series!

  1. Glad Giraffe Update V

    I just wanted to throw out a quick fix. Thanks to Crysis who alerted me on the navi light issue. I am sorry I haven't been more active, but I am planning on adding more stuff eventually. I have been busy and stressed out lately so I decided I needed to take a break from modding for a while.


    I am open to suggestions as long as it is in a friendly manner. If I don't agree with your ideas then don't be disheartened. I have my own vision for my mod. Don't post links with changes unless you ask me first. I will get upset otherwise.

    *Post feedback (critique is alright as long as it doesn't get negative) or suggestions in the discussion section and not the review section if you have any*
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