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Hull Plating Blocks & More 35.0 (Concrete Tileset)

Blocks that resemble parts from ship backgrounds, plus some other odds and ends.

  1. Minor Bug Fix For Brass Pipe

    While building a new sampler/demo area to reduce the number of screenshots on the overview page, I stumbled across a small visual anomaly in the Brass Pipe. I fixed it.

    Aside from that, here's the new screenshots for the overview. They're not zoomed in as far, but they do show more of the blocks.

    Hull Plating Blocks (Races Apex-Human).jpg
    Hull Plating Blocks (Races Hylotl-Novakid).jpg
    Hull Plating Blocks (Ship Parts + Ore Carbon Fiber-Gold).jpg
    Hull Plating Blocks (Ore Platinum-Rubium).jpg
    Hull Plating Blocks (Ore Cerulium-Impervium).jpg
    Pohany and Xavidd like this.
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