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Hull Plating Blocks & More 35.0 (Concrete Tileset)

Blocks that resemble parts from ship backgrounds, plus some other odds and ends.

  1. Now Sold at a Terramart Near You!

    This small update allows you to buy any of the racial Hull Plating from the Terramart at the Outpost. for 25 pixels each

    But wait! There's more!

    Now, simply holding any of the racial Hull Plating will teach you the blueprint.

    This is in addition to learning the recipes via the Portable Pixel Printer.

    No longer will a small update to this mod require a new Portable Pixel Printer. Hurrah!

    Now if I can just sort out the issues with the ship trim I can release it without causing anyone (including myself) the stress of having to make another Portable Pixel Printer...
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