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Outdated Hologirls 2014-02-23

Perfect for your seedy cantina or lonely space mancave.

  1. TheUniversalUniverse!
    Version: 2014-02-23
    This is an enjoyable mod, not gunna lie, just going to be upfront about it, no need to lie way I see it really, It's great and enjoyable, and it brings warmth to the players of starbound, but one cold, hard truth (no pun intended, like seriously, I didn't notice this until I was spell-checking the second time around, and can't think of a better phrase for it) is that this mod needs more updates! I'd hate to see it die, so please, don't let it!
  2. Bejamin
    Version: 2014-02-23
    Excellent! I'd like to see all the races and hairstyles, perhaps a bit much to ask. :P
  3. RallenX3
    Version: 2014-02-23
  4. AR001
    Version: 2014-02-23
    New Space-Bar/Cantina opened ;)
  5. xtomass
    Version: 2014-02-23
    If I had a space cantina or a bar This would be a perfect for that.. Sadly I don't. So I'm keeping it in my captain's quarters. Which is slightly creepy. Anyway an absolutely lovely piece of furniture. Can't wait for future updates.

    Also Covered it on my Mod List series.
    (Can I beg thee to add this video to the description of the mod?)
    1. Squeegy
  6. Zoba
    Version: 2014-02-23
    Though the last couple hotfixes may have broken all my chests and my heart, these holograms give new life to my now empty storage facility and barren ship. Liking what you've made so far, keep up the good work.
  7. Silver_isley
    Version: 1.25
    intergalactic strip club? intergalactic strip club
  8. Xeried
    Version: 1.2
    It looks great! All I have a problem with is I cant get the mod to not be out of date. Im new to modding Starbound so I may be doing something wrong.
    1. Squeegy
      Author's Response
      I've updated the mod to fix this, so hopefully you can give it five stars now.
  9. frightmare
    Version: 1.2
    I like the design cant wait for more species to be added, right now I have one just standing there behind my captains chair
  10. AlistorStrange
    Version: 1.2
    Pretty Adorable considering it's supposed to be a Holo-Stripper. Looking forward to the updates with the other races too! If you need reference for the Hylotl there is an item in the game that you can unlock with the Hylotl Crafting table mod. Has a Hologram Hylotl item showing off Hylotl fashion. Hope that helps!
  11. ModLoche9
    Version: 1.2
    May I use this in my mod with credits?
    1. Squeegy
      Author's Response
      What mod?
  12. Sigurd Aginulfus
    Sigurd Aginulfus
    Version: 1.2
    Cool little addition. Question: Would the glitch female just be a wiring diagram? :P
    1. Squeegy
      Author's Response
      Answer. The Glitch female would be a hardware store.
  13. AkimboDigital
    Version: 1.0
    Nice mod! looking forward to seeing the other races
    1. Squeegy
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the review. Next is Hylotl.