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Outdated Glitch Megaship 2014-03-02

A much larger starting ship for Glitch

  1. AlliCat
    Version: 2014-03-02
    Very nice Glitch themed ship. Perfect amount of room with little to no noticeable lag.
  2. Wulfens
    Version: 2014-03-02
    Awesome ship, I much prefer these larger open spaces giving you a greater freedom in designing your own layout.
    My ship so far: http://i.imgur.com/oVNkQpI.png
    1. Jager
      Author's Response
      Awesome layout! It's nice to see what people can do with the ship.
  3. graycatgrayhat
    Version: 2014-03-02
    Great ship very glitch styled and a nice layout, keep up the great work.
  4. sethmcobb
    Version: 2014-03-02
    a good mod