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Gardenbot 2.1 -- REBOOTED --

Robotic Farming ... IN SPACE! - Supports modded plants! - Cheerful 1.3.4

  1. You need to get this update...

    seriously. :seriously:

    -fix: bug was causing vanilla plants to only drop seed, no actual harvesting happened
    -fix: Major fix to planting code - was causing huge lag spikes when it looked for a place to plant -- moved check for any seed available to before looking for planting place and changed so only looks 'in front of' bot instead of in front and behind
    -fix: finally actually killed the bug that caused log spam with callScriptedEntity errors - would only happen when multiple bots tried harvesting same plant, bot trying to harvest empty space was the cause
    -update: Ram's Oreplants+ updated to 10.0, also added the missing OPP/FU addon

    -the new Frackin Universe (rc23) does not change harvestpools, so no update required there
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