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Outdated Game Jamz 2

A collection of video game tunes to play by yourself or with friends.

  1. GenghisSean
    Version: 2
    More popular nintendo music please
  2. Zengoku
    Version: 1.9
    Any chance for some Megaman music in the mix?
  3. Oberic
    Version: 1.8
    Excellent music collection, especially enjoying the One Man Band versions existing alongside group versions.

    I would like to request a few more Sonic Rush songs if possible?
    Vela Nova, What U Need, A New Day, Bomber Barbara, Wrapped In Black (would sound fantastic on bone chimes).
    The music of Sonic Rush is fantastic, and I certainly wouldn't mind having more if it isn't too hard to get. :)

    Will be watching this mod either way!
    1. LuisChaotrix
      Author's Response
      As soon as I'm done looking for some other games on my list I'll go back to doing more sonic tunes. I already have plans to search for sonic rush as well as rush adventures.
  4. Cbw19
    Version: 1.8
    TY for OMB
  5. Void Chimera
    Void Chimera
    Version: 1.7
    This is still too awesome. I love all the songs you added man. Too bad I don't get to play with others to try out the multi-insturment ones. Still, amazing job overall!
  6. TheEscora
    Version: 1.6
    Really lovely thank you so much!
  7. Cbw19
    Version: 1.6
    Love playing all the songs, love the updates, thank you so much!
  8. Cirom
    Version: 1.5
    A nicely high quality pack of songs, with lots of tracks which I very much enjoy - plus, all of them include a One Man Band version as well, which is pretty awesome (Even if it SOMETIMES sounds kinda off)

    That, and it contains that tune from An Ordinary Sonic Rom Hack. Yup.
    1. LuisChaotrix
      Author's Response
      Some do sound off due to the limitations of the default Starbound instruments.. Some wont sound well with one instrument but better with others. Will probably go back and tweak some of them at a later date.
  9. Svarr Chanston
    Svarr Chanston
    Version: 1.1
    MOAR music! Yaaay. :U