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FrackinUniverse 6.4.3

Enhance your starbound experience in every area. Massive mod.

  1. Namxe
    Version: 5.0.235
  2. Kyonus
    Version: 5.0.235
    Just Good is not enought , is Fantastic @.@
  3. pRaGamer
    Version: 5.0.18
    Nice Nice Nice
  4. JeanBandit
    Version: 5.0.17b
    My favorite mod!
  5. charizard322
    Version: 5.0.17b
    this is the best mod ever
  6. crazygreggy
    Version: 5.0.17b
    ^This has matured into a polished and must have addition to the base game - I heartily recommend it to all as it provides so much new content that is beautifully constructed and just gosh darn fun. Kudos to Sayter and his team of code gremlins.
  7. Phellesto Faust
    Phellesto Faust
    Version: 5.0.16
    At first I was skeptical about this mod. It seemed to be adding quite an amount of content and changes, which at the time was practically unappealing to me. Since it would have caused the relatively simple and fun game of Starbound to be harder.

    But I gave it a chance, after acquiring Cutebound for the Aesthetics, and then XS and ZZ Mechs for the glorious Mechs. And I was glad I did give this Mod a chance, and now I can't even play Vanilla Starbound at all.

    Initially the Mod was confusing, so much things to do, so much to find out. But after an hour or so of blundering around, I found my beat and started to enjoy the mechanics of the game. Though I am still confused about the entire new resources added, the added variety of things you can do, find and acquire is a great thing.

    Hell they even have more furniture added, and the armor and weapons are so damn glorious. But of course the added mobs are strong too, to the point that most of the mechs on my arsenal would need to use their instant kill moves, which isn't too fun.

    My favorite thing about this mod has to be the Elder Furniture. The lovecraftian statues and bits is now my primary decoration for my lunar castles, and I do wish there are more lovecraftian themed decorations. And perhaps Elder Bees maybe?

    A lot of fun can be had with this mod, and I can only hope that this mod would add more new things! (Elder stuff pls.)

    Though beware the gigantic bees. They're not fun to deal with at all.

    But aside from that, 10/10. Force your friends to use this mod and enjoy the pain and suffering of acquiring resources.
  8. koonou
    Version: 5.0.14
    NICE mod!
  9. nefrem
    Version: 5.0.121
    First : sorry for my english
    Second : thank you for your incredible work. Every update make FU better and cleaner
    End word : please, please, update the bee's icons. They are awful :-)
  10. yukeee
    Version: 5.0.121
    Man, I mean... That's brilliant. Brilliant. I'm in love. 11/10
  11. Tini_weni
    Version: 5.0.101
    Fantastic, regularly updated, it's just a Must Have Mod.
  12. Natural Aura
    Natural Aura
    Version: 5.0.9
    There is no way to go wrong about this mod! It provides a whole new experience for any player, whether your fairly new or a veteran from the start, this is a must have for anyone! Personally, I've played Starbound for hundreds of hours up until the point I FINALLY decided to get this mod... and the only regret is that I didn't get it sooner. ::>w<::

    10/10 would play it again.
  13. mocoyo
    Version: 5.0.9
    The best of the best for the game, besides of having a bad luck on finding a gentle systems ( For me ), I don't care but I get hyped when I find a human for the crew ship, they fit for badass clothes like I wear.
  14. crystalfeather3
    Version: 5.0.08
    Outstanding mod, plays well (for me) with other mods such as Elithian races and Extra dungeons.
    I love the added crafting, following the instructions in the beginning helped me to understand the fairly complex overhaul Sayter has done here. Read the codexes . . . it does help. The quests basically teach you to use all the new equipment. I rolled a new character after 90 hours in vanilla to try this mod, and honestly couldn't play otherwise now. Looting is more fun than ever, crafting is an entire RPG on its own. I haven't even gotten into much more than armor crafting but will soon tackle the chem lab! Continued support by the author is an added plus. Thank you!
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      see, one thing I love is that everyone approaches it differently now. There is no "right" way to start FU anymore. So long as you have a Machining Table, you can pretty much branch out however you choose.
  15. jordan299j
    Version: 5.0.072
    love it
  16. Meyers07
    Version: 5.0.05
    Updates so freaking fast!!! I'm three days away checking on server conditions and stuff before i can go back playing and then there's version 5.0.05!!!
    Should i start from scratch?
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      up to you. pretty significant changes, but starting over isn't mandatory. Will certainly make things clearer though.
  17. Kosmie
    Version: 5.0.04
  18. ixidron
    Version: 5.0.03
    I must say this mod has evolved a lot since my last review and now it deserves the 5 stars.

    Redundancy of components is now fixed.

    Progression and tiers are almost fixed and it gets constant updates and tweaks to make everything useful.

    New stuff is added constantly and several mod authors have contributed to this mod.


    -Tons of stuff for free, dungeons, biomes, weapons, armors, decorations, you name it.

    -Brand new universe to explore, full of new resources, unique assets, threats and monsters. Including a unique quest in a dungeon similar to

    -New stuff to do, beekeeping, booze brewing, genetic engineering, new farmables.

    -New and unique weapons and armors, each with their own exclusive touch and utility.

    -Added since my last review: Pipes, quarries, terraforming, even more weapons and armor, animal breeding and incubators and now the mod seamlessly blends with vanilla progression with the 5.0 update.

    This mods is basically a free expansion pack that right now adds way more content than the default game.


    -You still need a post-it to keep track of everything.


    -In-game post-it.
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      I *wish* in-game post-its were possible. That's been a wanted feature for a long, long...looooong time!
  19. mindbound
    Version: 5.0.01a
    Probably the best mod for SB out there, both quality- and quantity-wise.
  20. Audi0l1ne
    Version: 4.30.781
    Love the mod, adds variety to the normal starbound experience, I'm curious though, do the arsenal plants normally take over an hour to fully grow?
    1. sayter
      Author's Response
      some most certainly do, yes.