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Outdated Force Field Generator 1.2.1

Protect your home from those nasty meteorite with the new force field generator!

  1. GERZocker
    Version: 1.2.1
    Love this Mod!
  2. Forza_Sniper
    Version: 1.2.1
    its something to use so like if you were building a moon base and you put a force field on it so the astroids don't destroy it
  3. sarahwalker
    Version: 1.2.1
    Works exactly like it says, no more crater for a house!
  4. chewfaimau
    Version: 1.2
    This is an excellent mod and really useful in the current version of the game. I would like to see this in the game.
  5. Durlock
    Version: 1.2
    dont listen to them. this mod does what it was made to do: create a protective wall around your home.
    that said, i dont think the wire posibilities or the scanner force field are being used...
    also, this tools should be crafted at the wiring station dont you think?
    1. fascka
      Author's Response
      yes, it will be crafted at the wiring station ( maybe a weaker version printed? ) but I donĀ“t know which would be the ideal cost of the force field
  6. Ivar dark
    Ivar dark
    Version: 1.2
    This mod needs work. Need new sprites. Need to expand the possibilities. But in general I like the idea. Continue working author. I am sure you will succeed.
  7. ollj
    Version: 1.0
    There are much better methods for this than creating and removing a very hard block type around a button. http://i.imgur.com/33MmdaU.png

    While this mod has potential uses and ways to go to be used as physical shield, defending against asteroids and preventing asteroid impacts is not one of them.

    This mod might be a nice base for some capture and hold gameplay.
    1. fascka
      Author's Response
      like what kind of method?