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Outdated Food Recipes SG[s] - Mod v. 0.2.5

Food for your face.

  1. Cryogeist
    Version: SG[s] - Mod v. 0.2.5
    I must now use this mod to eat and sustain myself. Real food is not enough anymore. If I starve in the game I starve in real life. Pls send help.
  2. RDG-Starbound
    Version: SG[s] - Mod v. 0.2.5
    It's a pretty good mod. Little bit of conflicting with CLeF, possibly due to the outdated patch, but overall works really great and adds more spice to Starbound's food life.
  3. YukiAiko
    Version: SG[s] - Mod v. 0.2.5
    I am a little confused. I downloaded this mod and the patch for more food mod. I have this mod, the patch for more food mod, and the more food mod in my mod folder and it crashes my game. :( Should I be deleting my main more food mod and use the patch instead?
    1. eLe
      Author's Response
      What does you're starbound log say?
  4. Petalwatch
    Version: UG[s] - Mod v. 0.09
    I don't have much to say but that it's cute and a nice addition to the game!
  5. Coiso
    Version: UG[s] - Mod v. 0.05.6
    Yaamyyy! Your mod is delicious in a lot sort of ways! I love this mod! All the recipes, and now counters! Thanks for your hard work!
    1. eLe
  6. Zalexard
    Version: UG[s] - Mod v. 0.05.3
    Awesome mod! I just have one request, if it's possible, could you please make this mod compatible with Compact Crops? :D
    1. eLe
      Author's Response
  7. Patople
    Version: UG[s] - Mod v. 0.03
    Amazing :D
  8. Marcus McDiel
    Marcus McDiel
    Version: UG[s] - Mod v. 0.01
    I'm not a big fan o' coffee myself, but my character might be. I hope there'll be a whole host of new recipes coming from here, like Tacos, scrambled eggs and/or sausages and stuff. But for now, I'll be fine with coffee and bacon.

    One last thing: Can we change the description of "mug of coffee" change from "A warm mug of coffee." to "A mug of steaming hot coffee."? :3 (Or add another mug of "hot coffee", with slightly more energy and a slight burning debuff because you burned your tongue :D)
  9. greenRAM
    Version: UG[s] - Mod v. 0.01
    I can see these edits added into the vanilla game. The type system especially is an elegant, simple solution for the unknown added effects to food.
  10. TheBigBlueSerpent
    Version: UG[s] - Mod v. 0.01
    Fantastic! ^u^