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Outdated Floran Fly Trap - New Crop 1.2

Adds a Floran Fly Trap farmable crop used as a steady food source!

  1. pcawesomeness1
    Version: 1.2
    it is horrid just update it and get rid of the blood
  2. tofudog
    Version: 1.2
    Hi Dragon,
    did you see "little shop of horrors?". It has Audrey the alien killer plant, who at one time gets to sing: "I'm a mean green mama from outer space...". Those were the days, my friend, those were the days.
    My one complaint is: Couldn't you have stuck with alien meat? For one it already is in the game (with a very nice sprite) and for two, because it already is in there other mods use it as a source material (specifically madtulip), which would make your mod that much more useful, if you did.
    1. Ulithium_Dragon
      Author's Response
      Well, as I mentioned in the description I made this as an easy and plentiful food source because I dislike games with hunger systems. As such, the Fly Trap Meat provides more... fulfilment I guess than normal Alien meat. I may be motivated to make an optional patch at a later time, but I no longer find Starbound "fun" even with mods, and am waiting for the game to update. In addition, (ALL) mods will subsequently break when the game updates, so making mods until then just seems frivolous to me! n.nU
  3. Vuldreg
    Version: 1.2
    although the design it self can use a bit of work this will be very useful for some people, I my self have always had trouble getting started with a proper food supply when growing crops and this will be useful till i get a good supply of the other crops.
    1. Ulithium_Dragon
      Author's Response
      Thanks! This was my first attempt at an animated sprite for Starbound, so it could be a bit more polished. Since everything can have a script attached one the update comes out, hopefully I can finally animate the crop, too!
  4. Juice Box
    Juice Box
    Version: 1.2
    Juice Box loves it, but cooked meat looks really similar to normal meat and the colors on the plant look just a tad bit out of place, would 4.5 if JB could.
    1. Ulithium_Dragon
      Author's Response
      Yeah the plants themselves look quite a bit out of place without their animation. Did you try the "furniture" version that actually animates? Did you think that looked less "out of place"? And yes, I know the meat change was a bit subtle - I may change it later, I don't know.