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Outdated Falcon Punch v4.Zooooooohhh

Want to punch with the fury of Captain Falcon? Me too, so I made it

  1. Flare2
    Version: v3.WOAAAAH
  2. Rukrio
    Version: v2.0
    9/10 shit works, now to get it to always be overkill without the explosion. PS: look into tabula rasa support: it's easy to get working if you don't know how to merge recipes into the game's files.
    1. SexualRhinoceros
      Author's Response
      I know how, I just don't want to make it required to use the mod. I also personally have always done spawning via quests as you can see in my modded server:P Thanks though!
  3. Dash_Rendar
    Version: v2.0
    Looks good, but how do I trigger the quest? I looked in my quest journal but don't see anything new.
  4. Zizzabubu
    Version: 2014-01-08
    i have problem making this working. please can you insert a description where you explain how to install this mod correctly ? :)
    1. SexualRhinoceros
      Author's Response
      take the falconpunch folder in the zip and drop it into the mods folder. :D
  5. Rukrio
    Version: 2014-01-08
    i think you might be missing a fet things in that zip!
    1. SexualRhinoceros
      Author's Response
      no thats everything! It works when I put it into my vanilla copy of starbound! I don't have any way to craft it or anything so you'll have to do that through either a quest or editing players.config