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Outdated Exploration Enhanced 1.33333

An improvement for exploration and variety.

  1. TheSketchyFox
    Version: 1.33333
    I really like the items this mod includes, but once I installed it, the game will crash when I try to sit in my ships cockpit! Is there anything I can do to fix this? (I'm running the latest version of Starbound on a Macbook Pro running OSX v. 10.9.4 if that helps you)
  2. Ram Hum
    Ram Hum
    Version: 1.33333
    This mod LOOKS nice, but if you could use ANY file sharing site OTHER than the one you're using, that'd be nice. The one being used now is really, really bad.
  3. daft73
    Version: 1.33333
    Looks good, giving it a go. You need to update The 'Planetside Telepoters' package..the currently installed one gives errors. I DL'd the current, all seem fine.
  4. kaineb00n
    Version: 1.33333
  5. drakenhawk
    Version: 1.33333
    it sound really awesome already
  6. StarScorcher
    Version: 1.33333
    Its great, I'd love to see a system where if you download a mod, specifically a racial mod and the race has no NPC village, there is a default village, much like a human one "not implemented yet" that would replace it, to fix vendors, etc.
  7. Vwhdfd
    Version: 1.33333
    Really nice mod man, but is there any way you will release the items as a standalone for all the ones that use other worldgen mods?
  8. Master_Discord
    Version: 1.33333
    I'm enjoying the mod, but so far haven't been able to leave the planet I started on due to the hyperspace bug. Doesn't seem to matter what planet I go to, I get stuck in lightspeed. Doesn't reflect on the mod though, I like the difference already.
  9. Haku
    Version: 1.33333
    I'm very unsure about what all the biomes are and what they do and what is included. There is no information about that listed here. I have played all the way to end-game to see for myself, could simply land on planets that are listed as 'exposed' and that would retrieve more than enough ore and then some in very little time.

    The game is most definitely still in beta, but I personally feel that this mod might have been the culprit to making the game too easy for me. At the same time, I have had many craftable things to uplift my experience from drones to stone grinders. Which in all honesty, just made it so much easier and less frustrating. Almost every planet I have been on has been low gravity, so fall damage was rare.

    I don't know if this is a complaint or not and if this mod is responsible, but the game's difficulty dissipated as soon as I got my hands on aegisalt.

    I explored a lot underground but never found anything new or interesting, am I landing on the wrong planets???
  10. Krittick
    Version: 1.22222
    This is a pretty fucking awesome mod and really adds a fuckton of fucking content and it's all fucking awesome. Fuck.
  11. brekky
    Version: 1.22222
    I really liked this mod, but I have yet to successfully travel to another world while using this mod. All the sound effects happen for arriving at the new world but I get stuck on the screen with all the stars spinning past and when i port down while in 'hyperspace' i end up on the previous planet. I assume this has got to do with the way this mod builds each planet, atm I love the idea but have to turn this mod off to play.
  12. dodd.sam6
    Version: 1.22222
    Really enjoyed this mod, just build my Sector X Base :D One thing I did notice was that in Sector X on Arctic planets, sometimes I would hit a patch of water deep underground and it would start spewing a seemingly-infinite amount of water out and would spawn sand randomly. Not sure whether that's your mod of if it's a glitch in the actual game, but it was confusing as hell lmao. Excellent mod though!
  13. rgroh1
    Version: 1.22222
    I like that you can see planet descriptions now. Also, coal drone is a straight bro.
    1. Desideratus
      Author's Response
      #CoalDrone #StraightThuggin #Bros4LYFE #AngryScorpionExplosion
  14. SuicideJag
    Version: 1.0
    I really love how you keep the balance in mind, and these additions improve the dungeon exlporing in a great way. But a bit work on those pixel art (flashlight, flare-gun) is still needed ;)

    And, not to forget to mention how visual easy readable you've created your modpage. Clear structure, Id like to see more common ;)
  15. morfindeth
    Version: 0.91
    This is the kind of mod that makes you want to go back down the hole and continue a dangerous mining shaft. It's worthwhile now. Instead of "I'll just find another planet to mine with ore near the surface again", you actually want to brave the treacherous depths and seek the huge deposits near the cores.
  16. Eonwe
    Version: 0.91
    Great mod, again!
  17. Bloodnotshed
    Version: 0.91
    This really adds to life to the endgame of Starbound. It makes spelunking much more enjoyable as well. Great mod.
  18. Spric92
    Version: 0.89
    Introduced a lot of glitches into my world, lack of mobs hindered experiences more than improving it. Will update as mod updates.
    1. Desideratus
      Author's Response
      I fixed the mob spawning!
  19. Eonwe
    Version: 0.8
    Great mod, as always.