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Outdated Ethereals 3-10-2014

A colorful, unique race of wandering nomads.

  1. Windcaller
    Version: 3-10-2014
    Very nice little race. ^^
  2. Corraidhín
    Version: 3-10-2014
    very nice mod! :D works perfectly and even includes a mod which allows you to see the race during creation! totally a must try :3
  3. Deteno
    Version: 3-10-2014
    By far my favorite race mod. Their design is beautiful and colorful. They even have an interesting story and theme explaining their place in the universe of Starbound. They genuinely feel like something I would expect to find in this game. Ever since I found them a few months back they have become my primary. The one thing to keep in mind is that since their head has different dimensions than other races, some helmets and hats can look kind of funny, but to me it sort of adds to the charm of them being a sort of quirky playful race. There's a lot of room to grow and expand so I am eagerly looking forward to when Horus has time to develop more race-specific content for them.
  4. telles0808
    Version: 1-26-14
    They are avatars, I know =]
  5. Tremoraid
    Version: 12-28-13
    Best race I've played so far. Very pretty
  6. Ryan Draconis
    Ryan Draconis
    Version: 12-28-13
    I've definitely been waiting for a race like this. it means I can have my dragon character in starbound now (She has the same qualities) Although one complaint I have is the eyes. It's rather hard to get immersed due to how it looks compared to the official art for them. I'm not sure how a fix would work, maybe showing both eyes or maybe I'm just nitpicky. Regardless it's an excelent racial mod and I'll deffinatly use/keep an eye on it. (Maybe editing some of the hair types might help as well. Just as an after thought)
    1. Horus-the-Chorus
      Author's Response
      I said in a previous comment that giving them two eyes just messes up their pixelized facial structure. I've tried believe me, haha.
  7. doge99
    Version: 12-28-13
    much tail
    very fluff
    so scale?
  8. Slug
    Version: 12-23-2013
    I'm glad you uploaded this! It was a wonderful idea from the start. I really cannot wait to get going as this new, interesting, unique race!!
  9. Mizukyuubi
    Version: 12-23-2013
    other mods made it into the game in the last patch. this one seems like a good candidate imo. completely original!
  10. Jack_Kéther
    Version: 12-23-2013
    exelent race mod, only need npc camps and racial items =)
  11. GrimmSeraph
    Version: 12-22-2013
    Getting even better with each new mod version !
  12. ImpKing_Under
    Version: 12-22-2013
    I am loving this race mod! Definitely my favorite one so far! My only problem is really the face, for the longest time I couldn't even tell that it was an eye on the face, I thought it was two eyes. That might just be because I've gotten used to how the default species are drawn. Other than that minor quibble though, love it! Can't wait for the stuff you have planned!
    1. Horus-the-Chorus
      Author's Response
      Haha, yeah. Someone suggested that I could draw them that way since they have huge eyes. Two eyes would probably look odd anyway.
  13. Naaraka
    Version: 12-22-2013
    This is a very interesting race. maybe Chucklefish can look into this and give this mod full support and be in the main game itself. this isn't the only interesting and unique race i've seen on the forums though. I hope that Chucklefish can either draw inspiration or get permission from the creators to input them as some additional races and give full support. ^_^
  14. Aavri
    Version: 12-19-2013
    great mod and lovely race so far. it works great for the current stage it is in.
  15. GrimmSeraph
    Version: 12-19-2013
    Simply amazing.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your work !
  16. 13rett
    Version: 12-19-2013
    I like the look of the race. From the forum It looks like a lot of work has gone into this and the future plans look cool.