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Easy Ingots v1.4.5

Get your metals faster!

  1. Kokito
    Version: v1.4.5
    good enought
  2. Clawnoob
    Version: v1.4.5
    While it works as intended and is a good concept, I feel this makes it too easy. Personally, I think there should be more difficulty to this -- like perhaps a custom table/machine to be made to make the ores to dust so it's not simply an immediate easy grind.
  3. Multistream
    Version: v1.4.5
    Great mod! The only problem is that at start iron may be rare to find, but 8 iron bars required to craft anvil to make ore powder. To make 8 iron bars, you will need 16 ore - hard to obtain in start of game
  4. Arthur30
    Version: v1.4.5
    A nice mod. Now i don't have to grind that much.
  5. Xacris
    Version: v1.3.2
    A simple concept that has developed nicely. Reminiscent of certain mods in Minecraft that lets you macerate ore for more production, this allows for faster advancement at it's most basic level, but personally I love this mod because it makes it easier to make various metal blocks for building. Before this mod, the idea of making a metal building was quite daunting, but now it's attainable
  6. romabo
    Version: v1.3.1
    This mod is truly great, I've been looking for one for awhile for the SG and UG versions of Starbound, I've found another mod which does almost the same (Mining+) but it adds a couple more stuff which some of I don't want in my game. This mod is really great for people looking to advance faster in the game, as of which I've found, advancing further up in tiers takes a big chunk of your time. It's also great for people who don't like mining so much, like me, since by 1 mining session you could get alot more ore than the usual. I recommend this mod to people who don't like mining, or just would like a easier life when it comes to advancing up the tiers :)
  7. ashuron
    Version: v1.2.2
    usefull mod
  8. OneWhoJumpsOverSheep
    Version: V1.2.1
    Simple and useful! Great work!
  9. sid3aff3ct
    Version: V1.2.0
    Very nice mod, can't wait for further additions. Stared out as a simple mod but is evolving beautifully!
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      Glad you enjoy the update, feel free to enjoy in the forum discussion to help shape the mod with your feedback and suggestions!
  10. MLGPaintBrush
    Version: V1.1.1
    Thanks for this, makes it so I can build/explore more and mine less :D although I'm thinking of changing it to two ores so I feel like less of a cheater :p
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      2 ores is the default.
  11. Mr. 4l4n
    Mr. 4l4n
    Version: V1.1.1
    very very good! ;)
  12. Ayamabuki
    Version: V1.1.1
    Thank you.
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      You're welcome! Make sure to watch the mod for upcoming updates that will include some awesome new features!
  13. Reversal
    Version: V1.1.1
    Great mod, especially useful for those who don't wanna grind
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      I'm glad you like it! I've got an upcoming update that will make it even better then before adding new features and such, so be sure to watch the resource so you don't miss out!
  14. agmoyer
    Version: V1.1.1
    Thanks for updating! I love this and my friends shall enjoy this once I tell them.
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      No problem! I hope your friends enjoy the mod just as much! This is especially a good mod for servers when everyone is relying on the same resources. Be sure to watch the resource so you don't miss out on upcoming updates with new features!
  15. Novalex233
    Version: v1.1.0
    Nice mod. But I noticed that some ores still require 2 to refine: plutonium, uranium, solarium, aegisalt, voilium, and rubium. Plz add them so the late game is tolerable too. Mining for an hour and not enough to get a set of armor.
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      Ah, they changed a lot of the mechanics and I didn't see these anymore, but I will get that updated today!
  16. obsceneobzen
    Version: v1.1.0
    Great mod! Doesn't feel like cheating but makes the grind a little more pleasant.
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review! Be sure to check out the update so you can still enjoy the mod late game!
  17. greenRAM
    Version: 2014-08-24
    Well done. Wish we could toggle this in-game. I like playing fast progression with highest difficulty.
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the review! I am working on a new method for all this to so that you will have the choice to use it or not, thanks for the feedback :)
  18. D9sinc
    Version: 2014-08-24
    Love this mod it makes my exploration early game much more worthwhile and endgame it really helps when I combine it with the Super Smelters Mod since I don't have to worry about waiting for like 800 ores to smelt in furnaces.
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      Check out the new updates so you can continue to enjoy the aspects of the mod :)
  19. TooFerOneSpeshal
    Version: 2014-08-24
    Very nice mod!
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      Glad you like it, make sure you grab your update for Upbeat Giraffe and watch the resource so you don't miss out on upcoming updates with new features!
  20. Dune_Heart
    Version: 2014-08-24
    Great mod.
    1. Naddox
      Author's Response
      Glad you like it, make sure you grab your update for Upbeat Giraffe and watch the resource so you don't miss out on upcoming updates with new features!