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Outdated Crafty Weapons [Including Keyblades, Buster Sword, Winchester Rifle etc] Furious Koala

A mod pack of sorts combining all my previous weapon mods into one.

  1. CloudStrife123
    Version: Furious Koala
    This is Awesome!!!
  2. Mr Ore
    Mr Ore
    Version: Furious Koala
    Great mod but for some reason when i use the Metal work station i can craft every type of keyblade and gun available in the mod even when i'm only at tier 2. If you're still planning on updating this i think some balancing would do the mod nicely (e.g Crafting recipies).
    1. Aimay
      Author's Response
      After playing the nightly's I am so very tempted to update this.
  3. Dstkr9
    Version: Furious Koala
    When i downloaded this mod I had already "beaten" the game and I didn't use any of it but it is a good mod.
  4. Mokerel
    Version: Furious Koala
    I'll be honest, this is exactly what I would want my Buster Sword to look like to go with my Cloud character. The only problem is that I can't use this and the Chocobo mod at the same time due to both mods containing a "bustersword" item. I would absolutely /love/ to see this fixed. Thank you and good work~
    1. Aimay
      Author's Response
      Fixed a while back, by the way.
  5. Spike Rose
    Spike Rose
    Version: Furious Koala
    Unfortunately conflicts with the Chocobo Mod as that ALSO has an item labeled "bustersword". I tried this by itself though and the weapons look and act proper. Maybe rename the file to "FF7bustersword" and you're good, unsure if it's that easy.
    1. Aimay
      Author's Response
      It kinda is that easy but I'm not going to be updating this mod unless someone really wants me to.
  6. Immaduck101
    Version: Furious Koala
    its got a keyblade...SOLD
    1. Aimay
      Author's Response
      It has several keyblades. :D
  7. havefeith
    Version: Furious Koala
    For some reason, it keeps crashing on me. I have several other mods installed, so I took out the ones that I'd recently installed one by one, until I reached yours, which was the source of the crashing. Other than that issue, I like the idea.
    1. Aimay
      Author's Response
      Could you send me the starbound.log file, please.
  8. MistyDay
    Version: Furious Koala
    Love the keyblades! Now I can be a girl version of Roxas with the robe I made! Thanks so much!
  9. weaselfan
    Version: Furious Koala
    1. Aimay
      Author's Response
      Why thank you Weasel. :D