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Outdated Cayotes added ores "Cay ore" V0.4.3

A mod that has added a new ore with its own weapons and tools

  1. Antej
    Version: V0.4.3
    Very cool mod! And I have an ask. Can I use your mod to make my own I will be happy if you say yes ;)
  2. C0M0
    Version: V0.4.3
    Put up a mirror link so it can be downloaded when the other link is not working. Other than that great job!
    1. Cayote
      Author's Response
      If you keep spamming the button you'll eventually download it.
  3. daww1234
    Version: V0.4.3
    wooo ;D new ore !
  4. Blazerer
    Version: V0.4
    I'm interested to see how this mod evolves, keep up the good work.