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Castlevania 1.3.2

Objects ripped from Castlevania games + a few misc things

  1. 1.7 Dyemod support

    -more items
    upload_2015-5-25_15-40-47.png upload_2015-5-25_15-41-0.png

    -added dyemod support. more on that on the main page

    -added invisible light, i found it useful for making screens (like above)
    and in combination with invisible scanner i can make smth silly like this:

    -this object upload_2015-5-25_15-52-1.png was renamed (it was 'smallredchair' which makes no sense, since its dyeable now and not that small). so if u have it put somewhere, u'll have to replace it. sorry for inconvenience (had to google the spelling :X)

    -oh and u can sleep in plushies :catface:
    Pohany and Crisium like this.
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