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Castlevania 1.3.2

Objects ripped from Castlevania games + a few misc things

  1. 2.7

    -a bit more objects:
    -most wall and background objects are tweaked so they can be placed almost anywhere;
    if they are still cant be placed, put clear glass (painted white) as a background

    unfortunately some things will despawn and will have to be replaced
    (stairs and stairs2, wallstatue2 (gargoyle), wallsign6 - those definitely will)

    -added different gradient to some tiles as a little experiment:
    brightness goes like this: red (the brightest), blue, green, DEFAULT, yellow, orange........white (darkest)
    default colour is a bit out of place :(

    heres me trying to build smth out of it:

    -fence tile is basically recoloured tile from GeneralStore mod

    a bonus gif out of all light objects :)
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