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Castlevania 1.3.2

Objects ripped from Castlevania games + a few misc things

  1. 2.5

    2.5 is here!

    whats new:
    37.png 36.png
    pretty undertale pics are from here http://foop-mcfawn.deviantart.com/

    -fog is toggleable and has nodes (it works but takes a while to switch on and off)

    -green chest castlevaniachest2icon.png doesnt sell stuff anymore, instead its an object
    so u may wanna delete chestwithstuff before installing this
    (nothing bad should happen if u leave it, except for a few errors in logs)

    -new tab castlevaniawallselected.png , for things that go on the wall (except for paintings)

    -some big objects have smaller anchor zone for better placement
    for example the anchors of the rusty clock look like this:

    also toys can be put closer together now:

    some super minor things:
    clear glass block is completely transparent when painted white
    all tiles are x100
    bricks2 can be coloured big time
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