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Castlevania 1.3.2

Objects ripped from Castlevania games + a few misc things

  1. 2.3

    not the biggest update, but definetely one of the most difficult (portal animations and stuff like that)
    Some notes:

    -added the owl from ecclesia, one of my favourite objects so far. huge thanks goes to
    Wellbott for basically figuring out how to make separate animations (also for bearing with silly me :nuruhappy:)
    this is a bit outdated though, the final animation is a bit smoother and have a few extra frames

    -the door is a portal now, so it cant be coloured anymore (also all portals are in ? tab and have green names)

    -fixed some sitting positions, also some armchairs have covers now

    -initially i wanted to make railings using template from Stairs With Railings mod, but couldnt really make it work properly, so i added a bunch of balusters instead
    (the only prob is theres a whole lot of them, hopefully not too confusing)
    also added couple of platform tiles

    -the invisible fog dispenser is from some vanilla rock object

    -added dark version of vanilla wooden planks (i really like them and im tired of colouring every time :rolleyes:)

    -added a new gramophone with a new tune
    EDIT: also forgot to mention, all musical objects can now be turned on and off (not play again and again every time u click em, resulting in huge overlapping like it was before).
    there are 2 side effects:
    1 npscs cant interact with them (maybe its for the better)
    2 once u turn smth on, it will loop forever until u click it off. id love to make em play once, but not sure how :(

    -TEMMY! :nuruhype:
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