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Outdated Augmentation Cores 2015-02-23

Augment your life, be unique!

  1. draco1122
    Version: 2015-02-23
    A for work so far keep it coming!! Wanted to show my support.
  2. MuffinLord1
    Version: 2015-02-23
    The mod is fantastic as is, but it would be a whole lot better if there was a key to turn a equipped core on/off. It can be kind of annoying when they are constantly on, especially with the Feather Core.
    1. yourheroisdead
      Author's Response
      Thank you for the review :) and yeah, I was thinking about that, *specifically* while exploring with the Feather Core lol.
  3. Oberic
    Version: 2015-02-23
    We desperately need more back items. Thank you.

    Might be cool to have some end-game level ones?
    1. yourheroisdead
      Author's Response
      Thank you! I plan on adding tiered cores, along with combination cores and even some non-craftable "artifact cores" to find whilst exploring.