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Outdated Asuna's Dress v. Enraged Koala

Adds Asuna's dress as a vanity armor (From SAO)

  1. Ninjakid
    Version: v. Enraged Koala
    can you pleas make a kirito robe
  2. _Neko_
    Version: v. Furous Koala 1.2
    Love this anime so in tern love this mod
  3. Najja
    Version: v. Furious Koala
    From what I've seen it looks good, however I can't find the chest armor when I go to craft. I can only assume its supposed to be crafted the same way as the other pieces right?
    1. Burning Acid
      Author's Response
      yeah, It should be right next to the others, they are all "rare" so try filtering with blue
  4. verts
    Version: v. Furious Koala
    Thanks for making this for me! Hope others can enjoy it as well!